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CAN I ADJUST THE BIKE WITHOUT THE USE OF TOOLS?Yes. All BODY BIKE MODELS can easily be adjusted both horizontally and vertically to fit the different size of users. The large adjustment handles make sure that the adjustments can be made without creating play in the posts. There is even a little thumb screw at the handlebar on the ELEMENT, SUPREME and CONNECT to remove the play that may be left in the handlebar.
WHY IS THE PEDAL ARM SO LARGE ON THE BODY BIKE INDOOR BIKES?The pedal arm is a very critical component that needs to withstand a huge load. Therefore, BODY BIKE has made a special designed unbreakable pedal arm. BODY BIKE always puts safety first and takes no risks.
WHY DOES A BODY BIKE NOT LOOK LIKE A TRADITIONAL INDOOR BIKE?At BODY BIKE we care about safety, low maintenance, high durability and elegant design. We never close our eyes and follow our competitors, but always strive to be a step ahead. Our indoor bikes look different because they are different. BODY BIKE is one of the only brands making closed bikes. We do this because we believe this is the right way to do it. The side covers protect the interior system from dust and perspiration. At the same time they provide safety for the people around the bike as they are not able to unintentionally get in contact with the rotating flywheel. The side covers are styled to make the user look good on the bike. They are elegant and come in a variety of colours that can fit into the style of any fitness centre.
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO KEEP YOUR BIKE LOOKING NEW?The interior of the BODY BIKE Indoor Bike is protected from dust and perspiration by the side covers. This minimizes the need for maintenance. Make the user spray the bike with water and wipe it off after use. Once a while the bike (side covers, posts as well as bottom frames) should be wiped with a cloth with vaseline oil. When the bike is covered in a thin film of vaseline oil, it is easy for the user to wipe the bike clean, and the film gives it a shiny finish.
HOW DOES BODY BIKE SECURE A HIGH QUALITY?BODY BIKE has through years of hard work built up a reputation of producing high quality indoor bikes. We are able to maintain this reputation because we know that true quality lies in the details. That is why we always use carefully selected materials. However, high-quality materials offer no guarantee for a high-quality end product. They need to be utilised correctly to get the best out of them. Our knowledge, experience and technical insight are your guarantee for a consistent and unrivalled quality.
WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF HAVING A BELT vs A CHAIN?A smooth cycling experience is created in the interplay between a well balanced flywheel using high quality bearings and the poly-V belt. The belt ensures a smooth and silent ride compared to a chain which produces shaking, noise and has higher demands regarding maintenance.
IS IT CORRECT THAT I CAN GET THE BIKES WITH OUR OWN LOGO ON THEM?As the only manufacture of indoor bikes, BODY BIKE is able to attach a logo or another illustration requested by the client to the bike. This gives you the possibility to put your own private branding in your fitness centre.
HOW DO I GET THE SADDLE FURTHER FORWARD?The BODY BIKE Indoor Bikes are designed to fit a wide range of different users. To get the saddle even further forward, a special extension saddle adaptor can be used.
HOW IS DISTANCE CALCULATED?It seems absurd to calculate the distance covered for a stationary bike. Still, it gives you an overall idea of how far you would have travelled if you had performed the same on an outdoor bike. On the BODY BIKE Performance console your distance is proportional with cadence, but on BODY BIKE Connect console the distance is proportional to the watt output. This means that with BODY BIKE Performance console you are rewarded for pedalling fast, whereas on the BODY BIKE Connect you are rewarded for your actual effort consisting of both cadence and load.
WHAT IS KCAL/HR?Kilocalories per hour are shown in the middle figure on screen 3 of the BODY BIKE Connect console and screen 2 on the BODY BIKE Performance console. It is an expression of how hard you are working right now and tells how many kilocalories you will burn if you keep up the current intensity for an hour.
CAN I SAVE MY EXERCISE DATA OR SHOW IT ON A BIG SCREEN (ANT+)?Both the BODY BIKE Connect Indoor Cycle and the Performance console is transmitting data in a protocol called ANT+. This means that if you have an ANT+ device you can pick up the data signal. Some outdoor bike computers use ANT+ as does some watches. You can also purchase a special ANT+ key which enables your iPhone or iPad to receive the signal. Once you are able to receive the signal, you need a software programme to process the data. There are several options to receive and process the data and more are arising every day. Some are targeting data storage and others are using the data to create games or the like for a big screen. MapMyFitness is one of the applications enabling data storage and analysis.
WHAT KIND OF HEART RATE TRANSMITTER CAN BE USED?BODY BIKE Connect and BODY BIKE Performance console accept the same heart rate transmitters. BODY BIKE recommends use of ANT+ heart rate transmitters such as BODY BIKE Heart rate transmitter or Garmin, but most heart rate transmitters will be compatible with the console. In general, there are two types of heart rate transmitters: Analogue or digital. Analogue heart rate transmitters can suffer from cross talk (unless they are coded). Choose an ANT+ heart rate transmitter to avoid this. In addition, ANT+ operates in the 2.4 Ghz band and is therefore less prone to interference than low frequency digital systems and it has a longer range. Bluetooth heart rate transmitters are not compatible with the console.
HOW DO I CONNECT THE HEART RATE TRANSMITTER TO THE CONSOLE AND ENTER INDIVIDUAL SETTINGS?Download instructions for BODY BIKE Connect. Download instructions for BODY BIKE Performance console.
IS THERE A LIMIT ON HOW MANY WATT BODY BIKE CONNECT CAN MEASURE?The range of the load cell (0-20 kg) is the only factor that can limit the measurement, meaning that the console will display the message ‘Over Load’ when you push on the load cell with more than 20 kg. To be able to push on the load cell with that many kilograms, you need to keep a relatively high cadence in order to overcome the natural dead spots on the pedal revolution. If you are able to keep a cadence on 100 rpm the overload message will show at 1400 watt. A trained cyclist will probably be able to perform 300-400 watt over a substantial period of time (1 hour), and in sprint reach about 1000-1400 watt in a few seconds.
HOW DOES BODY BIKE CONNECT MEASURE WATT?The measurement of watt on the BODY BIKE Connect is extremely accurate. There is no guessing or estimation involved - only pure facts. BODY BIKE Connect has a floating brake unit designed with high quality roller bearings. This allows the brake to float freely on top of the flywheel. When the user add load, the brake is pushed forward onto a load cell. This is direct force measurement and is literally the same as weighing your workload on a high accuracy scale. The more load added, the more the brake is pushing on the load cell. The load cell measures accurately and transfers the result to the control box. The control box picks up the cadence from a magnet on the flywheel, and with these two pieces of information the watt is determined and sent to the console on the handlebar.
HOW IS WATT USED IN THE BODY BIKE CONNECT?Watt is an expression of how hard your body is working and therefore this measurement is essential in many of BODY BIKE Connect’s features. The console will of course display your actual watt. It will also display your %max watt which will result in an efficient workout because it allows you to exercise according to your relative VO2 max. To determine your VO2 max and watt level, Connect has an integrated watt level test. The watt measurement is also used to estimate the distance covered. This is similar to riding an outdoor bike where you travel further in a higher gear ratio which resembles a higher load on the indoor bike. Due to the reliability of the watt, BODY BIKE Connect bases your calorie consumption on watt instead of heart rate, thereby providing you with a more accurate result.
WHAT IS RELATIVE VO2MAX?On BODY BIKE Connect you can take a watt level test. This will determine your watt level and your relative VO2 max. Your VO2 max is an expression of how much oxygen your body can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity. The more oxygen your body can consume, the more work you can perform over a longer period of time. However, the bigger your body is, the more oxygen you need to transport it around. Therefore, the extent of your physical performance must be seen in relation to your body size. The relative VO2 max is your VO2 max seen in relation to your body weight. Download a table containing the average relative VO2 values.
HOW CAN I DETERMINE MY ‘SWEET SPOT’ ON BODY BIKE CONNECT?At the ‘sweet spot’ you can keep exercising for a long period of time without burning out. For most people, the ‘sweet spot’ is about 62-69% max watt (since functional threshold power (FTP) is about 73% of your watt level and the ‘sweet spot’ is placed about 85-95% of FTP). Enter your watt level in the BODY BIKE Connect console and keep an eye on screen 1. The figure at the bottom of the screen will show how many percentage of your watt level you are performing. Keep this figure between 62-69% and you will be training in your ‘sweet spot’. Download an intensity scale including Andrew Coggan’s and Ric Stern’s training zones.
WHAT IS WATT LEVEL AND %MAX WATT?On BODY BIKE Connect you can take a watt level test. This will determine your watt level and your relative VO2 max. You have reached your maximum watt level when you are working at the maximum rate at which your body can consume oxygen (VO2max). This is also referred to as max power output (MPO) or max aerobic power (MAP). The %max watt is calculated as a percentage of the watt level. The watt level is an expression of your physical performance and therefore you will also be able to improve this. If you have not taken the test yet, you can estimate your relative VO2 max and when entering this in the console together with your weight, the console will calculate your watt level.
WHY IS WATT OFTEN MORE USEFUL THAN HEART RATE?Simply because watt is more reliable. See BODY BIKE’s five reasons to exercise with watt. Watt is an expression of your actual performance whereas your heart rate is an expression of how your body feels. Heart rate is influenced by a series of different aspects such as room temperature, time of day, stress, caffeine and much more. Watt responds immediately to change in effort and allows you to see your improvements. When you improve your physical condition, you will be able to perform more watt at the same heart rate. This allows you to follow your progress. Take a watt level test on the BODY BIKE Connect to determine your watt level and relative VO2 max. From this you will be able to plan exactly how to exercise in order to achieve your fitness goals most efficiently without exercising too hard or too easy. Workout Smarter Not Harder. Read more about how to exercise with watt.
WHAT IS WATT?Scientifically, 1 watt is the rate at which work is done when an object's velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of 1 Newton. Therefore, watt is an expression of how hard you are working on the bike. See BODY BIKE’s five reasons to exercise with watt. Some refer to watt as your power output as it equals the power you add to the pedals. Watt both depends on your flywheel resistance (the opposing force you overcome) and how fast you are pedalling (the flywheel’s angular velocity). This means you can pedal fast with low resistance and get the same watt as if you were pedalling slower with a higher resistance.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BODY BIKE CONNECT AND A BODY BIKE UPGRADED WITH A PERFORMANCE CONSOLE?With BODY BIKE Connect you get watt measurement. It may not sound of much, but it makes all the difference. With watt you are able to measure your actual effort and follow your progress. Read about the advantages of exercising with watt. See BODY BIKE’s five reasons to exercise with watt. Read more about BODY BIKE Connect. Read more about upgrading your bike with a BODY BIKE Performance console.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPINNING, BODYBIKING, RPM AND INDOOR CYCLING?Whether you should use the word spinning, bodybiking, RPM or indoor cycling comes down to what cycle, instructor and training programme you use. Since 1992 the word ‘spinning’ have been a registered trademark. ‘Spinning’ therefore refers to the unique fitness products, cycles and programs offered by the trademark holder of spinning. If you want to use the word ‘spinning’ it is necessary for you to be trained as a spinning instructor by the spinning trademark holder, purchase their spinning cycles and in addition get their permission. There are other companies that have their own trademark for the cycle activity known as spinning. E.g. Les Mills has registered the trademark RPM which is a contraction of Raw Power in Motion. Les Mills define RPM in the following way: ‘RPM™ is the indoor cycling workout where you ride on an indoor cycle to the rhythm of powerful music’. So whether you should use the word spinning, bodybiking, RPM or indoor cycling comes down to what cycle, instructor and training programme you use. However, when it comes down to the actual cycle activity that the word ‘spinning’, bodybiking, RPM or indoor cycling refers to, there is no difference.
HOW DOES THE VO2 MAX OR WATT LEVEL TEST WORK?There are a lot of different tests to determine your physical condition. BODY BIKE® Connect and the BODY BIKE® Indoor Cycling app feature a test of the ramp type. This means that every time 2 minutes have passed you must perform more watt than previously. On BODY BIKE® Connect it is called watt level test, and in the app it is called VO2 max test. However, it IS the same test. There is no need to take into account gender or age, as research has shown that the efficiency of people riding an indoor bike is quite similar regardless of gender and age. This means that people who are able to perform the same watt will also have the same oxygen consumption. The test has been evaluated by the use of advanced equipment to measure absorption of oxygen and the results are remarkably accurate. After the test, the BODY BIKE® app will show your relative VO2 max which is your oxygen consumption in relation to your weight as well as show your FTP. The Connect console will show your relative VO2 max as well as show your watt level (also known as MAP - Maximum Aerobic Power). With both BODY BIKE SMART®+ and BODY BIKE® Connect you also have the option of performing other tests of your choice. On screen 2 of the Connect console you will see cadence at the top, heart rate in the middle and watt at the bottom. In the top right corner you have the time. With this information, you can carry out most performance tests. The same data is available from SMART+ in the app. If you haven't taken the test yet but need to enter FTP in the app in order to get your performance data reasonably accurate, you can find an approximate FTP in the table 'Find your FTP'.
WHY IS THE CALORIES STATED ON STRAVA SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE CALORIES STATED IN THE APP?Strava will calculate calorie data based on power output and a coefficient for human efficiency. You may notice differences between Strava's calculations and the calculation in the BODY BIKE app. This is due to differences in Calorie calculation algorithms, and the data factored into the calculations. Read about the calorie calculations of BODY BIKE SMART+ here.
WHY IS THE TIME STATED ON STRAVA SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT FROM THE TIME STATED IN THE APP?Strava uses the timestamps in the file along with the UTC offset of the location in which you're riding (based on the GPS data in the file) to determine the start time of your activity. The BODY BIKE app formats the time data slightly different and it's very likely that the start time, and possibly the date, will be different on Strava than the day you actually rode. Make sure your timezone is set correct on your Strava account.
WHAT IS FTP AND SWEET SPOT?FTP stands for Functional Threshold Power and it is basically the maximum watt you can keep up constantly for 1 hour. In the BODY BIKE Indoor Cycling app you can perform a VO2 max test which will calculate your FTP. For most people, the ‘sweet spot’ is placed about 85-95% of your FTP and here you can keep exercising for a long period of time without burning out. If you haven't taken the test yet and still wish to enter an approximate FTP value in your app, get a qualified estimation in the table 'Find your FTP'.
WHERE CAN I FIND A USER GUIDE FOR THE BODY BIKE® INDOOR CYCLING APP?If you want to have a quick overview of the basic functionalities of the BODY BIKE® Indoor Cycling app, we have compiled a QUICK GUIDE here to get you started using the app.
HOW DO I TRANSFER DATA TO STRAVA?First, you need a STRAVA account. You can create an account using Facebook, Google, Apple or by creating a new account with e-mail. With a STRAVA account, you can store all workout data from your BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App next to your outdoor workout data. Uploading your data from BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App version 1.6 is simple: 1) Enter the BODY BIKE app on your phone. 2) Go to workout history. 3) Chose the workout your want to upload. 4) In the bottom of the workout page you will see a button called STRAVA Upload. Press it. 5) Now choose the log in option. 6) Your data is now transferred and online. 7) Choose another workout and press STRAVA upload. This time you don’t have to log in, because the app will remember your account. If you want to remove your STRAVA account press the STRAVA Remove Authorization button under personal settings.
WHY DO WATT OUTPUT JUMP UP AND DOWN IN BODY BIKE® INDOOR CYCLING APP?An unbalanced watt output is quite common among the average rider. But there are several things that you can do in order to get a more balanced watt output. FTP (Functional Threshold Power) is a good place to start. The FTP should match your performance. If the FTP is too low compared to your performance, you will experience a very sensitive intensity scale. This will in most cases be the reason why the output jumps. To fix this, go to personal settings and enter your personal information. You can also take the FTP 5-min test in the BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App. Another way to get a more balanced output is through experience. The right leg is typically stronger than the left leg. Or the opposite. A good exercise would be to focus on punching equally with both legs. At the same time, you push with one leg, you need to focus on pulling with the other leg. If you master this you will see a significant difference. But it is close to impossible to get a perfect balance. If you are an experienced rider with a correct FTP and you have high watt output jumps all the time, it can be because of a worn brake pad. The pad has an expected durability of 1500 hours. Check out our manuals or contact us if you keep having the problem.
HOW DOES BODY BIKE SMART+ AND CONNECT CALCULATE CALORIES?BODY BIKE SMART+ and BODY BIKE Connect base the calorie consumption calculations on your weight and the watt measurement. This is much more accurate than using heart rate which is influenced by external factors such as room temperature and caffeine. The watt measurement is converted into oxygen consumption. The higher the intensity, the more oxygen is consumed and the more calories are burned. This applies to everybody regardless of gender and age. The formula used by BODY BIKE is validated by the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world, ACSM.
HOW DO I GET THE BRONZE, SILVER AND GOLD MEDAL?The achievement is a motivation based system. It is based on 5 levels and 3 medals. Levels: 1) Rider 2) Skilled 3) Expert 4) Athlete 5) Elite) Medals: 1) Bronze 2) Silver 3) Gold). If you achieve a level or a medal it is for a lifetime. But you have the possibility to achieve another medal every 14 days. If you want to become an Athlete you just have to overcome the 3 requirements: 1) Achieve 5 Silver medals 2) Burn 40000 Kcal 3) Reach 15% in the red zone in just one workout. Get your first medal works the same, but the 3 requirements change every 14 days. For example, the requirements can be, 8% in the red zone in 1 workout, burn 1500 kcal and reach 4 workouts within the 14 days. Complete and the silver medal and it will become silver and the counter in the upper right corner will go 1 up. The silver medal will turn into grey again after 14 days. But the counter in the upper right corner will not change until you achieve another medal.
HOW DOES THE 5-MINUTE FTP TEST WORK?A persons FTP value can be found through various types of tests which vary in length. With the release of BODY BIKE® indoor Cycling App version 1.5.3, a 5-minute FTP Test is available. The test runs for 5 minutes and will automatically end. After the test you will be presented with your FTP value. To use your FTP value, press the button “Use FTP”. This will transfer the value to your Personal Settings. To get the most accurate test result: - Do a good warm-up session prior to the test. - Keep the highest average watts possible by adjusting your cadence and/or resistance. - Remember to last for 5 minutes At the end click "Use FTP" in order to replace your old FTP with the new one.
HOW DO I ESTIMATE MY FTP?With BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App version 1.6.3 it is possible to estimate your FTP (Functional Threshold Power) – the highest average power/watt you can sustain for an hour. App version can be checked under “About”. To estimate your FTP, please follow the instructions below: 1 ) Go to “Personal settings”. 2 ) Make sure that it says “Estimate” at the right-hand side of the screen under “FTP”. If not, press the arrow and choose “Estimate” from the scroll window. “Estimate” is found at the very top. 3 ) Provide the following information from which your FTP is estimated: - Gender - Date Of Birth* - Weight - Height - Cardio training per week** * On Android, “year” can be selected by pressing the “year” at the top left corner in the calendar window. ** Examples of cardio training: Running, swimming, biking, treadmill, rowing machine, stair-master. 4 ) Your FTP estimate is displayed in between “FTP” and “Estimate”. 5) Click "Use FTP" in order to replace your old FTP with the new one.
CAN I USE MY APPLE WATCH AS A LIVE HEART RATE MONITOR?With BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App version 1.6.3 or older, it is not possible to connect to your Apple Watch or any other SmartWatch as a live heart rate monitor. This is due to the different Bluetooth protocols. The BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App understand two protocols - cycling power 0x1818 and heart rate 0x180D. Cycling power 0x1818 is used between SMART+ and the BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App. Heart rate 0x180D is used between the heart rate monitor and the BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App. As long as the watch does not transmit with the right protocol (0x180D) it cannot connect with the BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App.
I CAN'T CONNECT MY ANDROID PHONE TO SMART+ AND OR MY HEART RATE SENSOR?The following is applicable to Android devices only. However, far from all Android devices will display the issue described. If you have installed the BODY BIKE app version 1.5.3 or newer, you may experience that you cannot see any SMART+ bikes or your heart rate sensor, when you want to connect. This is due to a change in permissions settings within Android. It is a permission that allows you to be more in control of how your phone´s location is determined. The consequence (on some Android phones) is a negative impact where the combination of the BODY BIKE app and Bluetooth is not working properly. Important information regarding location: BODY BIKE does not track or store your location. Step 1: 1) Close the BODY BIKE App entirely. Not just having it in the background. 2) Check that Bluetooth is ON 3) Go to phone Settings 4) Choose Apps 5) Choose the BODY BIKE App 6) Choose Permissions 7) Location must be ON 8) Open the BODY BIKE app and try connecting again If you see the window “Allow BODY BIKE to access this device´s location?” press ALLOW. If Step 1 does not work please go to Step 2 - Step 2: 1) Close the BODY BIKE App entirely. Not just having it in the background. 2) Go to phone Settings 3) Choose Connections 4) Choose Location 5) Make sure location is set to ON 6) Open the BODY BIKE app and try connecting again If Step 2 does not work please go to Step 3 - Step 3: 1) Close the BODY BIKE App entirely. Not just having it in the background. 2) Turn OFF: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Mobile Data, Location (GPS) 3) Turn ON: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Mobile Data, Location (GPS) 4) Open the BODY BIKE app and try connecting again If Step 3 does not work please go to Step 4 - Step 4: 1) Close the BODY BIKE App entirely. Not just having it in the background. 2) Go to phone Settings 3) Choose Connections 4) Choose Location 5) Make sure location is set to ON 6) Choose Location method 7) Set location method to High accuracy 8) Open the BODY BIKE app and try connecting again If the issue continues please contact us at
HOW DO I CREATE A BACKUP WITH ICLOUD?The following is applicable to IOS devices only. With BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App version 1.6.1 or newer, it is possible to create an iCloud backup. This enables you to restore all BODY BIKE data on your new Iphone. To create a backup, please follow the instructions below or click the link - 1) Grab your old iPhone and make sure that it has BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App version 1.6.1 or newer installed. Open BODY BIKE® indoor cycling App and go to the page "About" within the menu. Check the app version. It is very important that you open the app after the update. 2) Close the app and enter iCloud backup. Settings - Apple ID - iCloud - iCloud Backup - Back Up Now. Make sure that you have enough space on your iCloud. 3) Ones the backup is completed, grab your new iPhone. Follow the startup setup instructions and choose to restore from iCloud Backup. 4) If your new iPhone already is up and running, you need to erase all content and settings, in order to restore your phone with the backup from your old iPhone. Apple doesn’t allow users to selectively restore apps from iCloud. It is all or nothing. 5) Ones the restore has been completed you will have all your BODY BIKE data on your new phone. Personal settings, App settings, Achievements and workouts. If the issue continues please contact us at
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